tang n. 1.(刀剑等插入柄中的)柄脚。 2.强烈的气味[臭味]。 3.气息,意味;风味。 wine with a tang of the cask 带有桶味的酒。 be seasoned with the tang of humour 带有幽默的意味。 vt. 使其有…气味。 n. 响亮而有余音的声音;当的一声。 vt.,vi. (敲金属物等)使铛铛地响,使鸣响。 n. 【植物;植物学】墨角藻。
Realizing the rapid economic transformation and growth of china in the last decades of the twentieth century , lu tang lai architects ltd . sought to contribute the development and redevelopment in mainland china by actively participating in innovative and award winning architectural and environmental design projects as early as the mid eighties , focusing in shanghai in the early nineties 公司90年代进军大陆市场,在上海负责设计的部分项目有:瑞安广场、城市酒店二期、东方巴黎、东方曼哈顿等,业务迅速发展,在上海成立公司,特需诚聘一批优秀人士加盟。